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The Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., is the Illinois Statute governing the inspection of public records. This Act provides for public inspection of records in the possession of the City of West Peoria. Exemptions are also provided to insure the confidentiality of certain records. If anyone is looking to review records that are in possession of the City of West Peoria, please submit the Freedom of Information Act Records Request Form. Keep in mind that a lot of information is available on our website and you may easily find what you need without submitting a form.

City of West Peoria has a wide selection of web-based information available to the general public. Visit our Public Information page to see if your request is available through our website.

Requests for public records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) may be in a variety of ways:

In Person

FOIA requests are taken during normal office hours at the City Clerk's Office. We will ask you to fill out this form.

By E-mail

You may email your FOIA request to 

By Mail

FOIA Request - City Clerk

2506 W. Rohmann Ave.

West Peoria, IL 61604


FOIA Request Form

Please note this is for the City of West Peoria and does not include the Fire Department or Lighting District. 

Costs Associated with FOIA requests

Black and white copies: 8.5 by 11 inches and 8.5 by 14 inches: first 50 pages free; $0.10 per page thereafter

Copies maintained in electronic format and emailed: free

Copies larger than 8.5 by 14 inches: Actual cost of reproduction

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - Request

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