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City Council

Duties of the Elected Officials


The Mayor is elected and is the official head of the City for all legal purposes. The Mayor shall have the power and authority to examine all books and records relating to City business, signs proclamations, resolutions and ordinances. The Mayor shall appoint all members of boards, commissions, and committees with the consent of the City Council.  The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the City Council.  The Mayor is only allowed to vote if the vote of the City Council has resulted in a tie, a majority of the Council has voted in favor of an ordinance, resolution or motion – even if there is not a tie – or where a vote greater than the majority of the corporate authorities is required by statute.  The Mayor signs checks, is the Liquor Commissioner, attends committee meetings, and is generally involved in all aspects of City business.


The City Clerk shall keep all records and reports as required by statute or ordinance.  The Clerk shall keep on file bonds and oaths of City officials and personnel and is custodian of the City Seal.  The Clerk attends all regular and special meetings of the City Council and Committees and Commissions and keeps a full audio and/or record of their proceedings for each.  The Clerk shall give notice of all special meetings, is the collector, keeps an index of all documents and records, and publishes all ordinances in pamphlet form as provided by state statute.  The Clerk carries out all duties relating to City elections as may be authorized by state statute.


The City Treasurer shall receive and deposit all monies collected for the City.  The Treasurer must keep all deposits separate from the Treasurer’s own funds and shall keep records showing all money received and showing the source from which it was received. The Treasurer shall keep records at all times showing the financial status of the City and shall keep such books and accounts in such manner as required by statute or ordinance.  The Treasurer shall provide a monthly Treasurer’s Report showing the state of the Treasury and showing all monies received into the Treasury.  In addition to the duties provided here, other duties and functions may be required by statutes or ordinances. 


The City is divided into 4 Wards. Each Ward has 2 Alderpersons who represent that area. 

The Alderpersons vote to approve ordinances, resolutions and other City policies.  Each of the Alderpersons serve on additional City Committees.  The Committees are Finance Committee, Land Use Committee, Public Safety Committee and Transportation Committee.  

Annual Schedule of Meetings

1st Wednesday of the Month

Finance Committee at 5:30pm

Land Use at 6:30pm

2nd Tuesday of the Month

City Council at 7:00pm

3rd Wednesday of the Month

Transportation Committee at 5:30pm

Public Safety Committee at 6:30pm

4th Tuesday of the Month

Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) at 5:30pm

City Council at 7:00pm

Committee Responsibilities


... is responsible for issues regarding appropriations, banking, budgeting, franchise agreements, insurance, personnel, most grant requests, and tax levies.


... is responsible for issues regarding alleys, bridges, curbs, dry wells, gutters, operations of the Street Department, public utilities, sanitation, sidewalks,

storm sewers and streets.


... is to help guide development according to the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission periodically reviews the Plan and convenes monthly to discuss planning issues and review applications for zoning and ordinance changes.


... is responsible for issues regarding annexation, community economic development, comprehensive planning, meeting facilities, planning and zoning.


... is responsible for issues regarding animal control services,

code enforcement, emergency medical services, fire protection services, nuisances, police services, public health, solid waste management, and traffic control.

ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals)

... assists in special uses and zoning variances, producing findings of facts to substantiate or disprove the need for the special use or variance.

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